Call for Artists: Odd Fellows Craft Bazaar on Dec 2
Attention makers of all kinds! FWC is gearing up for the 2nd annual Odd Fellows Holiday Bazaar. We are accepting 30 vendors who sell crafts of any kind - from prints to homemade birdhouses! Registration closes at 30 submissions or on 11/15 and fees vary by set up type.
Farmers Market: New Hours After Labor Day
From September 7th through October 5th, the Woodfords Corner Farmers Market hours will be 3 pm - 6 pm, just the right time to pick up local fresh food on your way home from work or school. Be sure to stop by the FWC table to support the market by donating and sharing your ideas - we need support to host an even better market next year! Choose from several "Thank You Gifts" for you donations: Hopeful bumper stickers, Woodfords Corner T-Shirts, Together We Can lawn signs, or Farmers Market Totes. Stop by and show us how local you can get!
Welcome Our Newest Board Member, Courtni!
We are excited to announce that Courtni Jeffers has joined Friend's of Woodfords Corner Board of Directors! She is the Assistant Director of Thesis Advising and Assistant Clinical Health Professor for UNE Graduate Public Health Program's. Courtni, who teaches narrative medicine, is passionate about the intersection of population health and individual well-being.
Welcome Our Graduate Assistant, Katie!
We are excited to welcome Katie as one of FWC's Economic Vitality Graduate Assistants! Katie is a graduate student at the University of Southern Maine pursuing a Master’s degree in Policy, Planning, and Management, where she has focused her studies on food systems and how they relate to broader justice and equity issue.
Help us Get More Bike Racks in the Corner!

Friends of Woodfords Corner is conducting a Bike Rack Bonanza to install more bike parking locations around the neighborhood! We need your help to purchase bike racks and get them placed throughout the Corner.
We are now seeking public input on new bike rack locations! Vote on where you want to see bike racks and donate to our campaign.
To see more events happening this month visit our website.
Bingo at the VFW
VFW #6859, 687 Forest Ave — Monday, September 4th, 4 - 5 pm
VFW hosts bingo every Monday! Players must be 16 or older; concessions and pull tabs will available for purchase during bingo.
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Debbie's Garden Opening Reception
Temple Beth El, 400 Deering Ave — Sunday, September 10th, 5 - 6 pm
Temple Beth El is celebrating the opening of Debbie's Garden, in memory of Debbie Remar Petrovsky. Oneg begins at 5 pm, followed by Kabbalat Shabbat services at 6 pm.
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Deering Center Porchfest
Deering Center Neighborhood Association, Brentwood St — Sunday, September 10th, 12:1 5 - 6 pm
Join the Deering Center Neighborhood Association for their 9th annual Porchfest, which features live music and celebrates community.
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Baxter Boulevard Reopening Party
Back Cove Neighborhood Association, Baxter Blvd at Vannah Ave — Sunday, September 17th, 12:30 - 3:30 pm
Join the Back Cove Neighborhood Association to celebrate the reopening of Baxter Boulevard and kick off Sundays on the Boulevard. The event is free to attend and family-friendly!
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Opening of Alison Hildreth: 50 Years
Speedwell Contemporary, 630 Forest Ave — Friday, September 22nd, 5 - 7 pm
From September to December, pieces from Maine artist Alison Hildreth will be on view at Speedwell Contemporary. Hildreth pulls ideas from many fields, including cartography and astronomy. She has also made significant contributions to art education and Maine's art community.
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American Motherhood: A Conversation with Amanda Montei and Sara Petersen, Moderated by Chelsea Conaboy
Back Cove Books, 651 Forest Ave — Saturday, September 30th, 7 - 8:30 pm
Back Cove Books, with Mechanics Hall and Birth Roots, is hosting authors Amanda Montei, Sarah Petersen, and Chelsea Conaboy in a discussion of the social influences, physical expectations, and cognitive shifts currently shaping parenthood in America.
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Breaking Ground on Shalom Community Park
In August, Shalom Community Park Committee broke ground at the Junction of Deering Ave and Devonshire St. Shalom Community Park, a project from Temple Beth El and the Levey Day School, is slated to open this November. It will be open for semi-public use, similar to the way public school playgrounds are used.
Friends of Trinity Park Making Strides to Upgrade Local Pocket Park
After making significant improvements to Trinity Park in the last few years, the folks from Friends of Trinity Park are working to build on those improvements and take them to the next level with help and input from the community.
Can Woodfords Corner be a 10 Minute Neighborhood?
In a recent blog post, Corner resident and FWC volunteer Kellan Simpson discussed the benefits of a 10-minute neighborhood, and how Woodfords Corner can become one for more residents in the area. The biggest obstacle right now: Forest Ave.
Woodfords Corner Visitor's Guide
In August, Portland Old Port published a Visitor's Guide for Woodfords Corner. In the guide, they highlight many of the neighborhood's businesses and organizations - from the Great Lost Bear to Stages Youth Theater.
Support Friends of Woodfords Corner!
Appreciate the work that Friends of Woodfords Corner is doing to help make the Corner an even more safe, walkable, welcoming, and vibrant neighborhood hub? Join us in our efforts: make a donation to Friends of Woodfords Corner today! As a token of our appreciation for gifts of $25 or more, you’ll receive a “Hopeful: together we can” lawn sign delivered right to your home.
FWC & Main Street America
In 2019 (a mere 4 years ago) Friends of Woodfords Corner became a Main Street Affiliate, and we thought it might be time to explain what this means for our organization and our community, and how how this makes us unique among many varied community groups in the Portland area! Learn more>>
Join Our Team: Volunteer for Friends of Woodfords Corner!
Join us in our efforts to foster a thriving, welcoming, and sustainable village hub in Woodfords Corner, and make an impact on your community! We're always looking for more volunteers for our committees and folks who want to serve as board members. Complete one of the forms, linked below, to inquire and learn more!