A Decade of Railroad Track Clean Ups - Thank you neighbors!

Each year since 2015, we have led a group of volunteers to clean up the trash along the railroad tracks in our district. In addition to the trash that collects from the wind, people dump furniture and other junk along the tracks through the year. The City cannot access railroad property, and the railroad cannot keep up with the unsightly and illegal dumping. Our first event ever was coordinating a collaboration between neighbors, Pan Am/CSX Railroad, and the City’s Public Works Department to bring the trash to the street, where the public works team is able to haul it away. Rick Fowler, railroad detective for our area, goes out of his way to help us make this happen. Thank you to Rick, the CSX Railroad, and our intrepid volunteers this year - Jenna, Jess, Josh, Betsy, and Teresa. This yearly event is an example of citizen, corporate, and municipal collaboration to make our neighborhood a lovely place to live, work, and visit.