Petition For Permanently Safer Crosswalks

For four years, our Active Transportation Committee has placed seasonal traffic calming installations around the Corner. This summer, we installed flex post bollards to narrow the road and increase pedestrian safety at crosswalks on Woodfords Street, Ocean Avenue, and Deering Avenue. These crosswalks are located near community sites such as the farmers market, Heseltine Park, and Ocean Avenue Elementary School. They are flanked by sidewalks and bike lanes, residences, and local businesses. 

We are collecting signatures to petition the City of Portland to make our temporary traffic calming installations permanent. Sign on to join Friends of Woodford's Corner in asking members of the City Council to prioritize pedestrian and bike safety by funding the permanent installation of our traffic calming measures in the Capital Improvement Plan (CIP). 

Encouraging active transportation by protecting cyclists and pedestrians is essential to the vibrancy, sustainability, and accessibility of Woodford's Corner. Slowing vehicular traffic will make the corner safer and more pleasant for anyone who does not own or drive a car.

Sign the petition here!