FWC launches Local Business Survey
We are working to collect information from Corner business owners in order to ensure that our local businesses thrive into the future. This is about assessing your business needs and desires for the future — your opinions matter! You can complete the survey now by going here. All who complete the survey will be entered into a raffle for one of two $50 gift certificates to the local Woodfords Corner business of your choice!
March 25: Graffiti - Report, Remove and Prevent
FWC Clean and Green committee is excited to host a Zoom information session for the businesses, property owners and residents to learn ways to prevent, report, and remove unwanted tagging on our local buildings. For more information about the event contact FWC at info@woodfordscorner.org
WHAT: Graffiti - Report, Remove and Prevent
When: March 25 6-7 pm
Mar 18 Levey Day School Virtual Admission Tour
Levey is a kind, warm, embracing community of learners where creativity flourishes and friendships thrive. Join Jeff Trembly, Head of School on an open house.
Mar 18 PCM Noonday Concert
VentiCordi (Winds and Strings) is a musical collaboration between oboist Kathleen McNerney and violinist Dean Stein, combining their love of chamber music with innovative programming that blends wind and string instruments. Go to Portland Conservatory of Music for more information and links.
Have a Corner Happening coming up? Submit your events to be included in the FWC Community Calendar and upcoming monthly e-News editions!
neighborhood announcements
Construction/Traffic updates from BCNA ![](https://mcusercontent.com/14f81e702cf9e0bdb4cebe846/images/d674970c-9390-4801-99ca-52b3c4a65b52.jpg)
In February, BCNA hosted Zoom meeting to discuss various issues in the neighborhood including multiple construction projects. Go here to see maps, read more and watch 30 min video of the meeting.
Rite Aid - new owners, new ideas
FWC is so excited to see that the former Rite Aid on the corner of Forest and Ocean will be redeveloped. Read more about the hopes for the building from the new owner in the recent PPH article. What kinds of businesses would you like to see there?
Aging in Place
Back Cove’s Aging in Place Initiative is a part of Portland Area Villages, Inc., a nonprofit membership organization providing services to Seniors, to assist in making it possible for them to remain in their own homes.
Lewis Brothers Landscaping is hiring!
Must be spring! Our local neighbor and sponsor is hiring for 2021 season. More information here
BCNA elects New President
Gretchen Stanton hopes that more neighbors will join the BCNA to work together on issues that affect the neighborhood. Gretchen can be reached at info@BackCovePortland.org or via facebook.com/BackCoveNA. Learn more about her.
Baxter Woods and Leash Rules
Under the new rules, off-leash dogs (under voice control) are still welcome in Baxter Woods much of the year. However, as part of the rule changes,. Learn more here.
Have news or an announcement about your business, property, or organization? Submit it to be included in upcoming monthly e-News editions!
Thank You, Julie Larry, Greater Portland Landmarks!
On behalf of our 15+ neighbors who joined us for Researching Your Old Building on February 25: Thank you, Julie, for sharing all your knowledge, historic photos, and architectural insights into our special corner of Portland! See the video and handouts here.
Thank You, FWC Donors & Volunteers!
Thank you to Steve Lovejoy, Brooks More, Davis and Jane Hartwell, Jason Aucoin, Lisa Weldon, and Adam Tuchinsky for their support of the Friends of Woodfords Corner as donors and/or committee volunteers!
FWC Clean and Green Committee - save the dates! Upcoming events in May are 7th Annual RR track Cleanup, Trinity Park Cleanup and we're putting out the planters along Deering Avenue again. FMI about joining in contact us as volunteer@woodfordscorner.org
Support Friends of Woodfords Corner!
Appreciate the work that Friends of Woodfords Corner is doing to help make the Corner an even more safe, walkable, welcoming, and vibrant neighborhood hub? Join us in our efforts: make a donation to Friends of Woodfords Corner today! As a token of our appreciation for gifts of $25 or more, you’ll receive a “Hopeful: together we can” lawn sign delivered right to your home.