Walking School Bus to Ocean Avenue School was a great success!
In May 2019, Vonnett Seeger (FWC board member and Active Transportation Committee) started a pilot program Walking School Bus. A WSB is a way for students to get to school by walking together in a supervised group. Student participants are chaperoned by a parent “Driver,” who leads the walk to school along a set route, picking up children along the way, much like a regular school bus.
Why a Walking School Bus? Communities all over are creating WSB to get kids to school safely in groups. It’s a great way to get physical activity, reduce pollutants, meet neighbors and friends along the way, and help parents getting the kids to school safely.
The team has a goal set for 2019-2020 school year of WSB that operates 5 days a week. For more information, contact the lead volunteer, Vonnett Seeger at vonagra@hotmail.com or (504)481-7202.