Under the direction of the City’s Water Resources Division, the City of Portland is developing an Integrated Plan for Water Resources that will provide a framework for water quality, sewer and storm drainage investments for many years into the future. We have been working with a relatively large stakeholder group to ensure many voices are heard regarding what the City’s residents need from such a plan. More voices are always welcome and we particularly are interested in hearing from people that are involved with your organization and others like you. These voices are often under-represented in a public planning process, and we hope we can count on you to encourage your members to attend the public events around this Integrated Plan.
Please feel free to reach out to the contact on the press release with any questions, or call Betsy Frederick (consultant for the City) directly at 617-498-4603. You can also visit the project website at www.blueportland.org. Thank you for your involvement and interest in the City of Portland’s healthy waters!