The Portland Planning Department, in conjunction with the Portland Area Comprehensive Transportation System (PACTS) and WSP | Parsons Brinckerhoff, will be holding a neighborhood engagement event to kick off a planning study along the Forest Avenue – Route 302 corridor. This joint Portland/South Portland transportation study will look at opportunities for improving vehicular, transit, walking, and biking facilities from Morrill’s Corner along Forest Avenue through Woodfords Corner, Deering Oaks Park, State Street and High Street, the Casco Bay Bridge, and eastern Broadway in South Portland. The study will also examine the relationship between future land development and transportation capacity.
City staff and consultant team members will lead an interactive walk along Forest Avenue from 5:00 to 6:00 PM. The walk will be followed by a meeting to be held 6:00 – 7:30 PM; the meeting will begin with a brief presentation on issues and opportunities in the corridor, followed by ample opportunity for participants to provide input. The walk will start at 5:00 PM at the plaza in front of the Glickman Family Library at the University of Southern Maine, on Forest Avenue near Bedford Street. The meeting will be held beginning at 6:00 PM in the USM Abromson Community Education Center at 88 Bedford Street. See attached map and flyer
Facilitated by Planning Department and PACTS, a joint project to improve the corridor from Morrills Corner to Bug Light and SMCC. Public encouraged to attend.
You can visit the study website at for more information, and to follow the progress of the study. If you have any questions, please contact Bruce Hyman, City of Portland Transportation Program Manager, at