This is part 2 of a series Letting Go of Anger, Irritation, Resentment and Grudges. Anger solves nothing and yet we often fall in the dangerous habit of responding to difficulties with this reactionary state of mind. Instead of alerting us to what is wrong or helping us affect positive change, it pollutes our mind with negativity and frustration and paralyzes us. The spacious mind of acceptance, on the other hand, gives us the wisdom to accurately look at difficulties from an open and flexible place, from which we can act to solve them without being erratic or overwhelmed. In this meditation course we will explore strategies that will help us reduce our anger and Irritation gradually while increasing our ability to practice patience, all so we can bring benefit to others and enact change.
Everyone Welcome! Chairs, mats, blankets and bolsters available.
Cost: $10, no need to pre-register.
FMI and the website.