Submit Your Feedback before the Nov. 9 City Council Hearing
on Final Revised Land Use Code
Make your voice heard! The City Council will hold a public hearing on Phase I of the City’s ReCode initiative, the City’s effort to streamline, modernize, and update its land use code to reflect the goals of the City’s comprehensive plan.
In order to facilitate public feedback, the City has developed an interactive online civic engagement tool. Members of the public can read the final draft of ReCode Phase I and leave comments directly in the document, as well as see comments from others. More info >>
Nov. 5-19:
FREE Portland Conservatory of Music Online Noonday Concert Series
More info >>
Nov. 9: City Council Hearing on Final Revised Land Use Code
Make your voice heard! The City Council will hold a public hearing on Phase I of the City’s ReCode initiative, the City’s effort to streamline, modernize, and update its land use code to reflect the goals of the City’s comprehensive plan. More info >>
Nov. 18, 6-7:30pm: USM Parking Informational Meeting
Learn about USM's latest planning for structured parking location and design and share your feedback.
More info >>
Welcome New FWC Board Member Andy Nesheim!
Andy is committed to the growth of Woodfords Corner as a walkable, family-friendly and economically and environmentally sustainable neighborhood. Andy has spent most of his working life as a science educator, but now spends most of his time keeping an eye on his two young children and can often be sighted roaming the neighborhood with one or both in tow. Andy and his wife Zara will be opening a new neighborhood coffee shop (Coveside Coffee) on Vannah Avenue in spring 2021, and are looking forward to contributing to the continuing vitalization of Woodfords Corner.
Together We Can.

Thank you to all those who have donated to the Friends of Woodfords Corner this year. Your support has helped FWC to:
- provide Corner Conversations, virtual community meetings
- install planters along Deering Avenue
- organize clean-up and green-up days in area parks and common places
- host two City Council Candidate Forums
- assist local businesses in attracting more customers
- get out the word about sidewalk snow and ice removal
Want to help make an impact? Join us in our efforts to support the Corner’s economic vitality and neighborly vibe: make a donation to Friends of Woodfords Corner today! As a token of our appreciation for gifts of $25 or more—and a symbol of solidarity with our neighborhood and businesses—you’ll receive a “Hopeful: together we can” (12" x 12") lawn sign delivered right to your home. Learn more and donate today at