Wise River Rolfing: Now integrating Rolf Movement and Spinal Biomechanics trainings into Rolfing Sessions

This spring, Shannon Murphy, of Wise River Rolfing, had the opportunity to attend two workshops to deepen her understanding of what Rolfing has to offer you.

Spinal Biomechanics introduced that everyone has spinal curves to one degree or another that can create system wide issues and can explain pain anywhere along the fascial system. If you want to explore how to attend to your spinal curves reach out for work.

Additionally, Shannon attended a 6 day training for Rolf Movement which was focused on Somatic Imagination. This was a juicy training that offered a new language and lens of seeing and sensing. Shannon is excited to share this work with you to see how expanding your somatic imagination can support the release of inhibition in your behavior and thus find release in your structure.

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