Trinity Park Getting a Refresh

Our neighborhood’s little pocket park in front of Trinity Church is getting some TLC. The Friends of Trinity Park and the church have hired Joshua Tompkins, a landscape architect with experience designing parks and public spaces, to develop a plan to refresh the park. Due to the traffic on Forest Ave, Trinity Park is on of the city’ most visible public spaces, and we hope to make it more attractive for residents and visitors of Woodfords Corner, as well as the thousands of motorists who pass the park daily.

The Friends of Trinity Park have also been working with FWC’s Active Transportation Committee to get a bus shelter at the Metro stop adjacent to the park. We hope that the planning process results in the installation of a long-sought-after bus shelter at that location.

The planning process is just beginning! If you have ideas for the space or you want to contribute time or financial support, please contact Davis Hartwell at A public meeting to discuss the future of the park will be held on Tuesday, October 24th at 7 pm in the Odd Fellows Hall, 651 Forest Ave, 2nd floor. Please come to get more information, ask questions of the architect, and share your vision for Trinity Park.

Additional enhancements to space include new front entrance doors installed by the church earlier this year, along with refurbishments to the front steps.

The park has also had a great year for flowers! To ensure another lovely spring display of flowers at Trinity Park, the Friends of Trinity Park are looking for volunteers to help with bulb planting. There will be a bulb planting social on Saturday, October 28th at 9 am at Trinity Park. Coffee and light refreshments will be available. Some extra tools will be available, but, if you’re able, please bring gloves, a hand trowel or bulb planter, and a kneeling pad or old towel! Many hands make light work. Hope to see you there!

Davis Hartwell

Friends Woodfords Corner