Walking School Bus to OAE expands

Blog by FWC board member - Vonnett Seeger

I have been thrilled by the number of children and families that have taken an interest in the Walking School Bus (WSB) to Ocean Avenue Elementary school! A year ago, the FWC Active Transportation Committee (ATC), set as a high priority the establishment of a WSB program to serve our neighborhood. We started the program last spring with a group of 7 neighborhood children! Their parents strongly believed in the benefits of having their children walk to school with me on Tuesdays. Benefits include:

Healthier Habits
Cleaner Environment
Community Benefit

  • Walking to school enables children to incorporate regular physical activity before they arrive to school

  • When families decide to lace up their sneakers to get to school, they help reduce the amount of air pollutants emitted by automobiles

  • Children and parents develop a sense of community when walking with friends and neighbors along the way!

Fast forward to this fall when we currently walk up to 14 children Tuesday through Friday mornings! 6 parent volunteers make this possible and we just had our first non-parent volunteer sign up to walk. In order to offer this wonderful opportunity to more children we need more adults volunteers to walk to ensure a fun and SAFE experience.

If you would like to help us please reach out to Vonnett Seeger at mailto:vonagra@hotmail.com or tel:(504)481-7202. We are in need of volunteers to commit to one day a week from 7:50-8:20AM.

WSB 2.jpg
Teresa Valliere