Lewis Bros Landscaping Donates to Trinity Park
Peter Lewis, Woodfords Corner neighbor and owner of Lewis Brothers Landscaping, donated $5,600 in labor and materials to improve Trinity Park.
Trinity Park is located at the corner of Forest Avenue and Lincoln Street and is the only public park visible from Woodfords Corner.
The Trinity Park Committee started making plans to revitalize and refresh the park in conjunction with the Portland Parks Division since before all the snow melted last spring. Committee members, members of Trinity Episcopal Church, and neighbors cared for the park over the months with the removal of over-grown shrubbery and extensive weeding in garden areas.
Lewis, a member of the Committee, has been generous with his time and ideas. The donation of materials and his crew’s time moved this project forward at a faster pace than could have been accomplished without his help.
Future ideas and plans include:
new perennials and shrubbery
a trash receptacle,
park signage